The Gawler Town Council in conjunction with Apex and the other Gawler Service Clubs have been holding Australia Day Breakfasts in Apex Park for more years than most Gawler residents can remember.
2020 was no exception with dozens of Service Club Volunteers cooking eggs, bacon, sausages and pancakes for thousands of people.
Gawler Rotary has always played a major role by providing trestle tables and other equipment plus the volunteers so essential to the success of such a large event.
This year, about a dozen Gawler Rotary members assisted on the barbecues and ensured that a steady supply of food was available for the masses.
Congratulations to Taylor and Forgie Funeral Directors who won Gawler’s Australia Day Award for Corporate Citizens of the Year. 
Rotarian Mark Forgie, his wife Gizelle and daughter Claire accepted the award and expressed their thanks to the Town of Gawler, Apex and all who helped make the 2020 Australia Day Breakfast a great event.