Meeting Reports 3201 April 22nd and 3202 April 27nd, 2024
Pres John Lyons
PP Chris Edmunds
Mark Forgie
Pres John Opened meeting 3201 and welcomed members and guest Andrew Eastick before asking PP Dave Griffiths to come forward and do his ANZAC Day address. Members heard a short history before observing a minutes silence.
Apologies Colin Bazeley, Leanne Clinch, Nathan Pengelley, Margaret Leversedge.
PE Anthony Barilla
- Everything ready to go for Air Cadet’s for ANZAC Day- we have enough volunteers for 2 marquees to be set up on the 24th and a BBQ -sausage sizzle in the evening.
After Dinner John introduced PP Barry Stewart to present his sergeants session.
Wheel winners were Angela, Kyle and Shawn.
PP Barry then presented is entertaining FB funnies and fines session.
After some great fellowship Pres John Closed meeting 3201
Meeting 3202 was the fabulous 70th Anniversary dinner meeting with photos and full report to follow in a later bulletin.
The evening was attended by representatives from a range of service clubs, other Rotary Clubs, Current, incoming, and past District Governors. members of local council and member of parliament Tony Piccolo and many family and friends of Rotary.
PP Mark Smeaton officially opened Meeting 3202 and welcomed everyone before asking PP Kathy to lead the invocation; Julie Tekell to propose the toast for the evening. PP Mike Williams to present a toast to Rotary international. Prior to his toast pp Mike gave a brief history of world Rotary.
PDG John Downing gave his response on behalf of Rotary International later in the meeting.
MC PP Mark introduced Pres John Lyons to give his address. PP John acknowledged 70 years’ service Dr Bruce Eastick has given and continues to give the club. John then thanked Mayor Karen Redman and Hon Tony Piccolo and John Dawkins, DG Craig Dowling, DGE and past president Marie-Louise Lees, Area Governor Steve McLoughlin, for their continuous support of the club. Welcome also to members from other Rotary and Rotaract Clubs, various Service Clubs who all provide support to the community.
Finally, a huge thank you and congratulations to Beth, Margaret, Brian, and Mark for working together to make the 70th anniversary celebration happen.
Everyone was then invited to enjoy the buffet dinner.
After Dinner. Brian launched the updated history of the Rotary Club of Gawler. Copies were circulated for guests to look at and USBs were available for people to take away. Anyone wishing to receive the information can email Brian and he will arrange to email it.
PP Mark and Beth conducted the raffle and announced the silent auction winners. Before PP Alan Harris introduced Guest Speaker for the evening DG Craig Dowling who gave a very informative talk on his time as an Intelligence Officer in the Army.
The final part of the evening was the Auction with PP Mark up to his usual antics and amusing everyone as he inflated prices and egged people on to encourage the best possible outcome for fundraising. A good laugh was had by all and all items sold.
Mark then thanked everyone for coming and closed meeting 3202.