Rotary Club No. 17632, District 9510.  Chartered 24th April 1954

Club Information
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Rotary Connects the World

Mondays at 6:30 PM
Nixon's Function Centre
Nixon Tce
Gawler, SA 5118
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Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Community Service
Director: Vocational/Club Projects
Club Administration
Director: International Service/Youth/Foundation
Director: Public Image, Marketing and Communication
Bulletin Editor
Child Protection Officer
Club Webmaster
Click image above for Link to meal or apology for 5th August
Make sure you click and indicate whether you are attending or not. There is also a button for "no meal required" now

Welcome to our weekly bulletin! Find out who our upcoming speakers are, what we covered during the last weekly meeting and other stories as they become available.

Current Club Meetings Planner

August 24
Membership and New Club Development month
5th Aug
12th Aug
19th Aug
  Shhh its a surprise!
26th Aug
Coffee Club 10:00am Michels Patisserie Gawler.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Chris Edmunds
September 5
Murf Murphy
September 19
Spouse Birthdays
Carol Stewart
September 8
Grace Barilla
September 19
Sue Potger
September 23
Join Date
Margaret Leversedge
September 19, 2022
2 years
Meeting Reports 3214 July 29th, 2024
PE Kyle Smith
PP Colin Bazeley
Deb Williams
Chair for the evening was President Elect Kyle Smith who opened meeting 3214 and welcomed Rotarians and guests PP Colin and Lisa Bazeley who were visiting from Vic.
Apologies for the evening were received from: Julie Tekell, Kim Potger, Tom Kelly, Ian Sanders, Wayne Murphy, Leanne Clinch, Margaret Leversedge, Kathy Heinrich, Anthony Barilla.
Kyle then invited members with information to come forward.
PE Kyle –
  • his area of focus is Membership and Public Image. Has contacted Bunyip Newspaper in effort to carry on great work of Brian Burt. They will still put in a small column for us each week.
  • We will be supporting the Bunyip with a paid Ad for Red Nose Day. Kyle proposed we turn our meeting on 12th August into a fun night supporting the cause-Bring your Red Nose!
  • Kyle is having some new brochures made up to hand out to people showcasing Gawler Rotary to try and encourage more people to be involved. These will be ready for handing out at the Gawler Show when we park cars. Won’t put on windscreen because many of these get thrown away.
  • Social Media- please share positive stories about the club on Facebook.  
PP Lance Hatcher
  • Reminder about Stan’s Party- He has done lots for the town of Gawler as well as the club. Lance will share some ideas he has of what we can do as a club to celebrate Stan.   
Beth Hudman  
  • Coffee Club is starting up again -it will be held the last Tuesday of the month at Michels Patisserie in Gawler at 10:00am all welcome.
  • Margaret has gone to England for 4 weeks and Beth Shared an adventure that she had on the plane!
Michael Jacob
  • Michael ran through how to log onto Club Runner and use the sign up section for Gawler show parking. Despite a couple of teething problems members are encouraged to make themselves familiar with the process as this is the way we will be signing up for events. If you get stuck reach out for the help.  
Kyle then invited everyone to enjoy fellowship until PP Barry Stewart presented his sergeants session.
PP Barry presented his facebook funnies before  taking a more serious role as our guest speaker and letting us know about his business The Mould Doctor.
Barry has been in business in Gawler for over 20 years. He started in carpet and upholstery cleaning. 14 years ago he started specialising in mould removal and now has contracts with Ventia -the state Government Facilities management contractor and is a nationally certified NDIS provider. This means they are of the highest standard and meet all safety requirements.
The Mould Doctor is not a franchise it is a stand-alone company that holds the licence to carry and use the Australian made products Gldmorr-GM6000 and GM 2000. The 2000 is a non-toxic, water-based product that does not leave residue.
Barry uses the GM 6000 to first destroy the visible mould then treats the mould spores. Barry then ensures the environment is dried and well ventilated because moisture and poor ventilation is moulds best friend. Barry righted a couple of myths  people have about cleaning mould- they believe that Vinegar, bleach and peroxide kill the spores but they actually feed it.
When Barry is called to a job, he first looks at the environment to see if there are leaking windows, overgrown trees, leaking gutters etc. He then takes a moisture reading inside and out to compare and get a base reading. He is then able to show the client what is causing the mould. Barry takes safety very seriously and no matter how small the job ensure barriers etc are installed around his work area.
Barry showed various images of before and after from some jobs he has done. One of the recent jobs was a school who had a serious leak and the slab under the carpet was very wet. To fix this Barry first dried the carpets for 24 hours and then floated the carpet with the use of ‘air movers’ underneath the carpet. This process takes around 1-2 weeks depending on how wet the slab is. The full process used Air scrubbers to suck the mould from the air, air movers to lift the carpet away and dry the slab then the use of dehumidifiers.
Barry has a big job coming up which will take about 3 weeks to complete. He said that 98% of jobs is due to poor ventilation and he uses a thermal imaging meter to find the percentage of moisture in the area.
When Barry has finished his job he hands over an occupancy certificate to the client certifying it is safe to occupy.
Kyle thanked Barry and said he learned a lot from his talk. members enjoyed the presentation and found the in-depth information interesting.
Wheel winners this week were Sharine, pp Mike W and Sherine. A lucky evening for Sharine after a long absence from the meetings!
Chair and PE Kyle thanked Barry and other helpers from the evening and closed the meeting by  asking members and guests to join him in reciting the 4 Way test.
Barry Stewart -Mould Doctor
Colin and Lisa Bazeley
Kyle thanking Barry for informative presentation
President Anthony and PP Kathy Hamming it up with Yellow Wiggle Anthony at Stathalbyn Rotary Club after AED presentation
(Photo courtesy Facebook)
PP Kathy participating in Salisbury Club's packing of Shelter Bags
(Photo courtesy Salisbury Rotary club Facebook page)
Pres Anthony selecting warm beanies and scarf to include in Salisbury Club's packing of Shelter Bags
(Photo courtesy Salisbury Rotary club Facebook page)
Over 20 of our current members have completed 20 or more years of continuous service with the club.
Quote of the week.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill  
Do you know a young person aged 14-17 who may benefit from attending? Encourage them to apply to take part in the fabulous and rewarding weekend. 
RSS Feed

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Bulletin Editor
Angela Moore
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