Tom opened meeting 3198 and welcomed members before handing the floor to members for Rotary spots.
Beth Hudman
- Attended the recent Rotary Conference in the Riverlands. Particularly enjoyed the keynote speaker. Beth encourages all members to attend the conference next year to be held at Morphettville Racecourse.
- Reminder that Coffee Club is on Wednesday
Almoner, PP Mike Williams
- Bob Ahola has been moved back to Eldercare to recuperate.
- Mark Forgie is absent due to a middle ear infection which is affecting his balance.
Angela Moore
- has finally got herself together and organised the volunteer training at Two Wells Primary school. Forms were available for members wishing to volunteer and the first training/information session is being held on Monday 8th April at 9am. She will also run a Saturday session as per request from members. Date to be advised but will most likely be early May.
PP Steve Barilla
- Thanked everyone who assisted with the Farm Fair at Freeling on the weekend. We raised $700.
- Thanks to people who assisted with Relay for Life we raised $600
Tom thanked members and directors for the information and invited everyone to enjoy some fellowship over dinner.
After Dinner Tom introduced PP Barry Stewart to present his sergeants session.
Wheel winners were PP John, PP Kathy, PP Lance and PP Barry-Barry asked for a re-spin and the eventual winner was Anthea John.
Barry asked everyone to congratulate pp Lance and his wife Glenice on 65 years of marriage before presenting this week’s Facebook funnies.
Tom then gave a very brief update on what he had been up to while he has been away but said he is back for a while and we will see him more regularly and he will give a presentation about his time away in a few weeks.
Pres John reminded everyone that the 70th anniversary celebrations are approaching fast. The committee have been working hard to get it all organised including sending out over 400 invitations, but the uptake was very slow including our present members. Please book and pay ASAP and invite family and friends.
P.E. Anthony Barilla asked for help at the ANZAC vigil. Air Force Cadets have asked for the erection and dismantle of Marquees. Please see Anthony if you can assist.
Pres John then closed meeting 3198 with the four way test.