Most Rotarians and community members are aware of Rotary Youth Exchange where secondary school students are home hosted for a full year but -
One of Rotary’s greatest attributes is its ability to build goodwill and better friendships. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of Rotarians have opened their homes to exchangees and Rotary Hospitality is legendary.
Friendship Exchange is an international exchange program for Rotary members and friends that allows participants to take turns hosting one another in their homes and clubs.
Participants may travel as individuals, couples, families, or groups, and non-Rotarians may participate.
Benefits of an exchange
· Broaden international understanding
· Explore your profession or job
· Build enduring friendships
· Gain opportunities for active project involvement and support
· Learn about a region’s people, food, languages, customs, and history
· Find partners for grants
· Establish a foundation for peace and service.
All Friendship Exchanges are paid for by the participants. Hosts are not expected to assume a significant financial burden but are expected to provide in home accommodation, hospitality and some meals. Participants and hosts are covered by Rotary Insurance including travel insurance. Gawler Rotary Families have a long history of hosting Youth Exchange Students, Group Study Exchange Awardees and Friendship Exchange Team Members. All have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. A number of children of Gawler Rotarians have spent a year overseas as Youth Exchangees and a number of Rotarians have travelled overseas as Group Study Exchange Leaders and members of Friendship Exchange Teams.
If you would like to know more about Rotary Friendship Exchange, talk to Wayne & Maggie Murphy or Brian Burt, but allow plenty of time.
If you would like to host one or two people from India for a few days next month contact RFE India inbound Group Leader Ashok Manaharan (RC Mawson Lakes) Mobile 0415 491 504 or Tim Mee (RC Morialta) Mobile 0418 814 856.