Meeting Reports 3212 July 15th, 2024
Pres Anthony Barilla
PP Dr Bruce Eastick
PP Kathy Heinrich
Chair for the evening was newly elected president Anthony Barilla who opened meeting 3212 and welcomed guests Mike Johnson and Alan White a visiting Rotarian from NZ.
Apologies for the evening were received from: Angela Moore, Barry Stewart, Julie Tekell, Angela Moore, Kim Potger, Mark Forgie, and Tom Kelly.
Anthony then invited members to come forward with information.
Almoner PP Mike Williams -Stan Roulston has had skin grafts to his head and hopes to be returning to Rotary soon.
PP Mark Smeaton asked everyone for ideas for guest speakers and vocational visits.
Pres Anthony asked for help on behalf of the Salisbury Rotary Club. They would like assistance in packing shelter bags on Monday 29th July, this would be the day after our usual meeting.
PP Lance Hatcher had a great trip to Darwin. Will complete make-up meetings at Gawler Light this will give him 100% attendance over 62 Years!
After Dinner Michael Jacob gave everyone a run down on Clubrunner. There was no sergeant’s session this week due to Barry’s absence.
Visiting Rotarian Alan White from the Rotary Club of Green Meadows in NZ then gave a short talk about his travels and his Rotary Club.
Wheel winners this week were PP John Lyons, Patsy Johnson, and PP Ron Lloyd.
President Anthony closed the meeting after asking members to join in reciting the 4 Way test.
PP Lance Hatcher has been a member for 62 years and has a 100% attendance rate.