Rotary Village Fair
The Rotary Village Fair is returning to Pioneer Park at the northern end of Murray Street on Saturday November 5th after the 2020 and 2021 fairs were cancelled due to Covid.
It was first held in 1976 and is organised and run by the Rotary Clubs of Gawler and Gawler Light with support from the Town of Gawler.
The aim of the Village Fair is to enable local organisations to raise much needed funds and showcase their activities to the wider community. The Rotary Clubs provide publicity during the weeks leading up to the fair which is held on the first Saturday in November. Rotarians erect 3x3 marquee covered stalls, provide trestles and also organise entertainment. Participation for community groups is free and participants retain all their takings. Public entry is also free.
A large range of organisations take part in the Village Fair. The following categories were represented at the 2019 Village Fair:
Community Support 11
Service Groups 9
Disability Support 9
Entertainment/Display 7
Schools/Playgroups 6
Church 5
Environmental 3
Art/Craft 3
Recreational 2
Elderly Care 2
Stalls sell food and drink, local produce, plants, trees and shrubs, arts and crafts, novelties and a large range of second hand items.
Entertainment and demonstrations included the Gawler Town Band, the Gymnastic Club, the Dog Obedience Club and the Gawler Car Club. From time to time, school bands and other local groups provide entertainment.
The Rotary Clubs and the Gawler Art Society in conjunction with local schools organise a junior art exhibition which has been particularly successful.
Since its inception, the Village Fair has enabled groups to raise over $600,000.
Fulfilling State and Local Government legal and health and safety obligations requires meticulous attention to detail and enables the older and less physically able members to have a high level of involvement. Setting up the venue involves many volunteer hours and most Rotarians irrespective of age or physical ability are able to be involved in some capacity. During the day, staffing and managing the event site requires a large number of Rotarians at all times and cleaning up is a major operation.
Locals and visitors alike acknowledge that the Village Fair is a great event that has played and will continue to play an important role in the social and community fabric of the town of Gawler.
Key Dates:
Village Fair: Saturday November 5th 2022
Closing date for stall registrations: 10th October 2022
Download Stall Holder Registration Form: Village Fair Application Form
Facebook: @gawlervillagefair